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Academic integrity is essential for the quality of research, the value and validity of research results and, by extension, progress in science. Below is an overview of the ways in which the UvA aims to warrant academic integrity and ethical conduct in research.

Academic integrity

All those involved in university education and academic research at the UvA have a responsibility for maintaining academic integrity. The general principles of professional academic conduct need to be observed at all times.

Confidential advisers for academic integrity

If you have any questions about academic integrity, you can contact our confidential advisers for academic integrity. Your questions and suspicions relating to academic integrity violations will be treated confidentially.

Confidential adviser Science Park Campus

Prof. dr. J.A.E.F. (Jeroen) van Dongen

Confidential adviser Science Park Campus

Academic Integrity Committee

One way to monitor academic integrity is to exercise the right to submit a complaint when employees of the University of Amsterdam have violated or are suspected of having violated academic integrity.

Faculty of Science Ethics Committee

The Faculty of Science has its own Faculty Ethics Committee (FEC) where its researchers can turn to for advice on ethical questions connected to their research proposals. Responsibility for scientific integrity always lies first and foremost with the researchers themselves.

Ethics Committee UvA

The Ethics Committee of the University of Amsterdam advises the Executive Board on guidelines with respect to ethical issues pertaining to the University’s activities. The Ethics Committee consists of one member from each of the UvA’s faculties, one member from the Central Works Council (COR) and two members from the Central Student Council (CSR). The COR, CSR and Executive Board jointly nominate a chairperson.


Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

The new Code of Conduct for Research Integrity distinguishes between research misconduct, questionable research practices, and minor shortcomings.

Netherlands Research Integrity Network

The Netherlands Research Integrity Network aims to facilitate collaboration, exchange and mutual learning between the actors in the field of research integrity.

European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

he European Commission recognises the Code as the reference document for research integrity for all EU-funded research projects and as a model for organisations and researchers across Europe.